Monday, March 9, 2020


Time in the Word with those we share a holy bond is wonderful.  The Fellowship of the Wheel rolled into Paradise at ~12:30 pm on Sunday.  Joy, joy, joy in seeing our loved ones. As Jason when we left El Paso, the re-entry can be a bit tough as we strive to catch up on work and our families. That was mitigated by seeing and sharing the pure joy Rod experienced with holding his first grandchild.

Our favorite flying barrister, beaming while cradling a precious bit of future.

Even with this news, it was in all our minds.  We had returned a man*-down. 
So please imagine our excitement when Rod sent this.  I know your thoughts, this can't be Mr. Gumby.  I looked at all the photos from the trip.  This guy matches perfectly.  I mean-perfectly.  But you are wondering something, right?  What happened.  Well, that is where this gets a bit strange, Rod and family have tried to get the bottom of what happened at the Cheesecake Factory on the tragic evening.  Seems Mr. Gumby has no recollection.  Total amnesia of that day.   Really he has no memory or knowledge of anything.  Very strange.

*Any reference to gender-specific language should be construed to only include thoughts or understandings that may be validated by a factual worldview.  Any worldviews related to amendment 9, "standpoint epistemology", EST Therapy, anthropomorphic projections onto action-figures or anything containing the prefix "post" are expressly refuted.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Of Gratefulness & Unity

I called Debra to check on the zombie-virus status and what was happening in the outside world.  Seems social and news media are working hard to promote sales of every form of sanitizer and shelf-stable foods.  Knowing that the panic of the day was largely unchanged was a bit comforting.   That changed when we turned South onto I5.  Each day traffic had been building, Friday morning was the worst.  Just past Magic Mountain, we were down to a crawl at 4 MPH. A group text from Vikram clued us in.

It was about an hour before we arrived at Grace.  The first message was from Nathan Busenitz speaking to the deity of Christ explained in the OT.  In closing, Nathan recounted the interaction his father had with a JW family that were visiting with their 10 year old son.  Nathan recalled that his father asked if he could speak to the young man.  He bent down and asked the boy.

"son, do you know what the Bible says about the people around you now?  It tells us that it would be better that millstone be on their neck and thrown into the ocean than to lead a little one astray".  

After that guidance the JW family quickly departed.

It was lunch.  Time to scurry off into the lines.  Still pretty amazing that 3500 men can be fed in less than two hours.  I enjoyed a Burt's Dog and a "light pass" for the pulled pork meal.  

Rod and the Schuhs embarked on some final bookstore items and a trip to the Shepherd's Shoppe.   I picked up some books to share with my new son-in-laws, then got diverted to the phone charging station for a fill up.  While waiting, I spotted Jon Harris.  With kindness and mercy in my heart, I got a selfie with Jon for Debra.  Jon and I were able to chat a bit regarding the goings-on in the outside world.  It may not be clear to everyone, but I am the one in the blue shirt.  I left Jon with an encouraging word and pushed my way into the sanctuary for the last 1/3 of Paul Washer.

From the part I heard and the summary from Jason and Marv, the focus was on prayer, learning to pray and teaching to pray.  Paul used every moment of the time available.  

The doors opened and Dr. Lawson was next.  His text was Romans 1:1-16.  The message was critical nature of getting The Gospel right.  He was effusive about the ministry from Dr. MacArthur and the value his pulpit represents.  It was then he described a question often heard from RC Sproul, "tell me what the Gospel is...".  

Steve answered that question fully from the Romans text.  He centered on 5 key points; Propitiation, Reconciliation, Redemption, Expatiation and Justification.  

Michael Riccardi was next.  However, I was beyond tired.  The day had started very early.  Jason recognized my state and offered the keys for a nap in the rental car.  I got a quick hour of wonderful sleep.  It might have slept longer, but some homeless folks on mini-bikes were racing up and down the sidewalks.  Every few minutes there would the BZZZZ and BraRRRaaAAPP  of the motors.  I awoke and watched what was going on. There was a team of two, ferrying tools back and forth to somewhere.  Thinking nothing more about it I headed into the Worship Center.  On my way, it became clear why the tools were needed.  It was a threesome and one of the team was broke down working on a repair while his dog napped in the cart on the back.

We now had a two hour break for dinner. Jason, Marv, David, Rod and I all got together and decided to try the food trucks.  Lobster had the longest line.  However, the general suspicion of lobster from a food truck pushed us forward.  There was a Texas brisket/BBQ truck, but we were all real Texan's, it just seemed wrong.  So we lined up with a truck that held a reasonable line length and reasonable message (Who's Hungry?").

The team's selection was a mix of pastrami and burgers.  Really, really good food.  It was so good in fact, I would even call it "Wholesome".

Jason had one last purchase to make for his family.  The complete JM Commentary library was 50% off, BOOM, done and done!  Rod, David and I stayed behind.  The air was crisp and fresh with a slight bite.  Just right as we enjoyed some steel on steel time, sharpening our souls.  These are the very times that make this experience of unplugging, considering and really thinking about our lives so profoundly helpful.

Time to line up.  Trying to get good seats to hear the final music and message from Dr. McArthur.  

While in line, Jason brought an update. Rocky and Jonathan were inside guarding seats at the front for us.  YES!  We were 4 rows back, right behind several missionaries.  

Several folks made there way to Tom and the other pastors for greetings.  During a sidebar I learned that Rocky and Jonathan were quite courageous in taking advantage of providence, in getting us these seats.   What a blessing.  

The music was beyond wonderful.  Terrific and uplifting.  The soaring vocals and precise accompaniment, were a perfect 'Capstone' to the week (FYI... Jason loves the word "capstone").

With Paul Washer, HB Charles, Steve Lawson and the other pastors there, Dr. MacArthur walked up and commenced at the pulpit.  His message was from Philippians 1: 21-27 and 2:1-2, imploring us to pursue unity.   A real unity based on Truth. The message was a graceful walk through a dozen scripture verses, punctuated with clear teaching of the text.  Every few steps we would pause and listen as these were wrapped together into larger truths.  At each point there was time that the scripture could swell and heave itself into our hearts.  Great and wonderful teaching.  

We gathered and moved out to the cold night air.  It was strange and jarring.  With so many walking across the parking lot,  volunteers stood watch on high and would flash their lights to get drivers' attention when needed.

On the way to the Prevost, we made our plans for the rental drop-off and targeted 7am as our departure time. Homesickness was setting in.  We started to awake at 5am Saturday morning.  Trash was picked up, tanks drained, connectors stowed.  Jason left to fuel the rental and the drop-off.  Rod made few laps as an impromptu constitutional.  Marv scouted our egress point.

Rod, got a text from Jason; "He's all fueled up, time to go".  We used a single turn route to pull up right beside Jason at Hertz.  He hoped in and Marv pulled away.  We were an easy 30 minutes early.   There was only one traffic problem from construction, only caused a ~15 minute delay. Things are going well.

Just past San Bernardino, Rod got news.  His first grandchild, Ian, was born. This was the perfect event to seal our thoughts from this time.

 We stopped at a Pilot Travel Center in Palm Desert, changed drivers and prayed.  It is 1PM at our homes, this moment and we will be crossing over into Arizona in just a few more miles.  Our hearts and love are already there, we are just waiting for the bus to catch up.
See you all very soon.,

Friday, March 6, 2020

I don't know why your clapping...

My early morning blog actions put us a bit behind in leaving.  A few miles in the traffic was much heavier than previous trips.  We received a note on the group-text-bot to meet at the 'usual spot' for early escort into our preferred seating.  As we rolled into the parking lot, Rod received a new update that the plans had changed and the sanctuary was opened.  Seems leadership reflected on the benefits of keeping the doors locked and decided that lines are not what ShepCon is about.  Things change, even here and that is a good thing.

Now sitting on the organ-side, about 3/4 of the way back, we were delighted to be there.  Our group still largely together.  Phil Johnson was the first for the day.  Speaking on the critical nature of original sin and how that has always been a theological position under attack, but without that foundation, all the other structures for rational understanding drift under the weight of our natures to imbibe error.  It was a thorough and centered presentation and a bit of a shift from more typical 'curmudgeon' tone I have heard from Phil Johnson in the past.  

During the message, we could sense that Phil was racing.  We later learned why.  We received an update on Dani'el (Danny).  He is the Grace missionary leader to Spain, that was called back because his wife took ill after cancer treatment.

The team that Danny managed in Spain and Europe was brought out and announced that she had joined the Presence of the Lord.  Connecting in Paris, Danny learned the news at ~3:30am our time.  Sad and sobering.  We learned that Danny left his career as a senior executive working for a international bank, to become a missionary.  Not what many would expect.   Lives matter, time matters, His Truth matters.

At lunch Rod and I split off from the Schuh's to run a counter-flow operation.  We need to get our cards punched and transfer our book gifts to the rental car.  Managing the book operation was a wonderful woman using an electric wheel chair.  

Rod shared a card with her.  She was clearly taken aback by his kindness.  Rod and completed the hike and lined up for In-N-Out burgers.  As always, the food and fellowship was terrific.

 After lunch Abner Chou connected the centrality of creation as a 'red thread' that connected all components of systematic-theology.  A compelling, fast and deep message that is worthy of many re-listens.  

Abner was followed by Conrad Mbewe.  Conrad took apart and laid bare the evil of charismatic error and its attack counterfeiting Truth;

 'If you learned that our money system was flooded with fake money, how long would it take you to open your wallet and check...'   'what would you check the bills against... how much more should we be living like the Bereans in checking and defending our theology?'.  

After Conrad, there was orchestral practice.  We were asked to be silent or please leave.  We left, gotta talk.  Too much to discuss.

We crowded back in for Paul Washer.  Not an easy thing to summarize what this message was like.  First, I have no doubt that every message every presented here was delivered by men approved and found worthy in their desire and qualified handling of God's word.  This should not diminish in any way, any other presentations.

I am going to ramble a bit, in trying to describe what it was like to be there.  I took notes, but there was not really a need to do so.  The message was simple and clear.  Missionaries are not to be passionate college students handing out tracts from a backpack with skinny jeans. 

 They are to be elder-qualified men, sent by a from a Church for the purpose to build a Church.  It was however, a message that poured out of Paul like a man struggling with terrible weakness and all the while, opening up his body and praying out Truth.  Starting with weakness and relying on prayer, Spirit powered energy rushed out of this man's body.  There was anger, sorrow, indignation, but most of all there was love.  

Love of Christ and love of His Word and love for His people.    When the message was over, there was really nothing left to say.  Just the reflection of the conviction and edification to action.  To go forth and serve our King.  

Earlier, we had heard sirens.  As we moved outside, we learned why.

Rod handled the navigation to Claim Jumper.  We closed the restaurant down.

Some of the younger folks mustered the courage and ordered a 3400 calorie slice of chocolate cake.  For the rest of us, our digestive organs were shifting energy from every other part of our body,  we groaned for rest.  

On the drive back to the Prevost an odd thing occurred.  We pulled up next to a Nissan, rolled down our window and sought to engage our brother in a quick chat and possible competitive endeavor.  While we were in mid-sentence our fellow evening driver punched the skinny pedal, in a blink the four-banger came to life and left us in a fog of confusion. His tail-lights shrank to tiny dots.

 I was aghast and unprepared to edit my thoughts.  I blurted out, "Jason, he beat you off the line".  *SIGH*  Rod followed, 'I think that was Penn Tommington..'.

It is 6:38, Rod and Jason are ready to go.  Marv is showering.  It will be a trying day.  Lots to keep up with, lots of prayer needed for those at home and our brothers.  We miss and love you all and are so grateful to have this time.  Our love for you all.


Thursday, March 5, 2020

We are Reminding You

Tom was able to graciously get us seated very, very close to the front.  It was a wonderful joy for the entire day.  The morning started with singing from the Master's men. 

Then the preaching began in earnest.  There is really to much to add, to even try to summarize.  On the first day of the conference, the were messages from:
Dr. John MacArthur, Austin Duncan, Paul Twiss and two messages from HB Charles.  They were all outstanding.  In terms of the concise and helpful relevance, the message from Dr. MacArthur may have been the best message I have ever heard from him.  It was a powerful encouragement that provided God-honoring clarity to the perfect sufficiency of His Word.  The message from Paul Twiss was personal and heavy with meaning.  His words may have been the most echo-rich in our minds.  Austin Duncan shared serious insights into suffering.  Right after his message we learned that a missionary from Argentina (Dani'el) had to leave for LAX return, because his wife was diagnosed with a blood sepsis.  We all prayed.  Both messages from HB Charles were practical, helpful and mind-centering.  The first message from HB during the lunch session was really a central message.  He unwound so many points of post-truth error.  I believe this is a message that will be repeated at the SPC session later this year in Florida to the benefit of us all.

We got back to the Prevost at 10:30pm.  We collapsed into our bunks.  A new morning is here.  At the moment it is 7:12am here.  Have to stop, we are getting ready to push off. More updates throughout the day.

A New Day

The day was here.   We have all been here before.  But this day felt a bit different.  The speakers and topics have been updated.  There were not breakout sessions on security.  A younger group of theologians took a more prominent role. It seems to be a response to the time.  We see all around us that divisions are being depended.  The laser response to complex issues splattered on terse social media propels a cancel culture mob.  What would these men share with us as guidance for these times.  The theme of Clarity seemed fitting.  We looked forward hearing from these men from Issachar, men who understood the times.

Just before leaving we snapped a first day of school photo.  Jason was overjoyed.

On the drive in, there was slightly heavy traffic, but it was a time to discuss ink pens, impedance matching, dump trucks with an Ithacus and gust-locks.

Rod clued us in on a great side-street parking tactic from Jeff Scarborough.  It was great and saved us a bunch of time on the egress, later that day.  Now for the registration.  

The letter "U" takes about 2 minutes.  For the letter "M" and "S" the lines were much longer.  In the intervening time we grabbed some B'fast, chatted with some folks and staked out the rendezvous point outside the office.  Jason got to make some connections with some young folks interested in the DR mission.  We also got to catch up with Jonathan Solomon and encourage him for the great course work as Master's. 

Epilog Time in the Word with those we share a holy bond is wonderful.  The Fellowship of the Wheel rolled into Paradise at ~12:30 pm on...